Gail Kratz, Rehabilitation & Research Director

Contact Gail

“Raptors and raptor medicine are my passion! Every bird that passes through our hands teaches a lesson and touches someone somewhere. Rocky Mountain Raptor Program has allowed me to make a positive difference in this world, one life at a time!”

Gail Kratz

Gail’s interest in animals first took her to the field of veterinary medicine as an assistant to several local veterinarians, where she developed a special interest in exotic animals.

After taking RMRP’s Birds Of Prey class, Gail became a volunteer in 1989. As her love of raptors grew, and she continued to learn about veterinary medicine, Gail became RMRP’s Medical Coordinator on a volunteer basis. Six years later, in 1997 she was hired into the position full time.

Gail is responsible for the medical management, food procurement, and housing of all active case raptors and permanent educational ambassadors. Her duties also include medical training of the volunteers, overseeing various research projects, and reporting to state and federal wildlife agencies.

In her spare time, Gail enjoys being in the outdoors watching birds and other wildlife, hiking, camping, and relaxing at home with her furry and feathered menagerie.

 “Climb the mountains and get their good tidings,
Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees,
The winds will blow their freshness into you, and the storms their energy,
While cares will drop off like autumn leaves.” ~ John Muir

  • B.S. Zoology with emphasis in Animal Behavior
  • Lab Animal Technician Certification – 6 years as veterinary assistant
  • CDOW Wildlife Rehabilitation Certificate
  • IWRC Basic Skills for Wildlife Rehabilitators Certificate
  • Homeopathic Skills Workshop for Wildlife Rehabilitators
  • NWRA Workshops on Necropsy, Imping, Fluid Therapy, Fracture Repair, and Stress Management in Rehabilitation
  • Colorado Parks & Wildlife Licensed Raptor Rehabilitator

Published Works:

  • Wendell, M., Sleeman, J., and G. Kratz. 2001. Retrospective study of morbidity and mortality of raptors admitted to CSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital during 1995-1998. Journal of Wildlife Diseases.
  • N. Nemeth, G. Kratz, E. Edwards, J. Scherpelz, R. Bowen, N. Komar. 2007. Surveillance for West Nile Virus in Clinic-Admitted Raptors.  Emerging Infectious Diseases.
  • R. Harness and G. Kratz. 2007. Bird Streamer as the Probable Cause of a Bald Eagle Electrocution.  Colorado Birds.
  • N. Nemeth, G. Kratz, R. Bates, J. Scherpelz, E. Edwards, R. Bowen, N. Komar. The affects of West Nile Virus Infection on Raptors at a Rehabilitation Facility in Colorado 2002-2005. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine.
  • B. Nevitt, N. Robinson,  G. Kratz, BS, and M. Johnston, Effectiveness of Physical Therapy as an Adjunctive Treatment for Chronic Traumatically Induced Torticollis in Raptors, Published in the Journal of Avian Medicine Surgery
  • Golnar, G. Kratz, E. Borland, R. Lanciotte, and N. Komar; In Review: Assessment of Hart Park Virus Association with Raptor Disease in Northern Colorado
  • J. Dwyer, M. Tincher, R. Harness, and G. Kratz. Testing a Supplemental Perch Designed to Prevent Raptor Electrocution on Electric Power Poles; Published in Northwestern Naturalist
  • J. Dwyer, G. Kratz, R. Harness, S. Little, and M. Tincher. Critical Dimensions of Raptors on Electric Utility Poles; Published in Journal of Raptor Research

Contact Gail