
Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)

In November 2022, a one-year old male Bald Eagle was transferred to RMRP as our newest Educational Ambassador. He was found injured in a field in Monroe County, WV near Blacksburg, VA in the spring of 2021, just 100 feet from a busy road. His rescuers bravely contained and brought him to Three Rivers Avian Center for rehabilitation, where their rehabilitation team found he had suffered a break to his right wing, possibly due to being hit by a vehicle. Surgery and pinning of the fracture site was done, but unfortunately his injury left him unable to fly.

Four different transport plans to bring him from West Virginia were made, including flight. Three of them fell through due to weather and then, finally a break in the storms! The RMRP’s Education and Outreach Coordinator, Jessica Miller, along with two family members that volunteered to help set out on a multi-day journey, dubbed “Operation Eagle.” After 47 hours of driving and 2,917 miles, he was finally at his new home at the RMRP in Fort Collins, CO!

The new arrival Ambassador Eagle has since begun a specialized training plan, developed just for him, to help him learn the skills he needs to be a confident and comfortable Educational Ambassador. His name River comes from his hatch-place in the Three Rivers area of West Virginia.

The Education Team looks forward to sharing his story and the importance of Bald Eagle conservation in the future!