
Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni)

As a hatch-year immature Swainson’s Hawk, this amazing raptor was rescued by the Raptor Conservation Alliance of Nebraska. Upon rescue, this hawk was found with head trauma from probably being hit by a car. He had a fractured skull and a severely damaged right eye. These injuries eventually lead this hawk to be permanently disabled and unable to return to the wild.

The amazing team at Nature’s Educators took on this Swainson’s Hawk as an Educational Ambassador. RMRP is absolutely ecstatic that our amazing friends at Nature’s Educators decided to transfer this Swainson’s Hawk to RMRP to join the ranks of our Educational Ambassadors.

As a part of the RMRP Team, this Swainson’s Hawk has become a huge favorite of staff, volunteers, and supporters as his sweet and charismatic attitude shines through to everyone who meets him. Barley is named after the natural history of Swainson’s Hawks and their affinity for the great plains and agricultural areas.

Sponsor Barley

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  • Digital sponosorship certificate
  • Join the RMRP exclusive print newsletter and e-newsletter for 2 years
  • Your sponsorship will be listed in the RMRP Annual Report
  • Hard-copy species fact sheet
  • Hard-copy sponsorship certificate
  • RMRP sticker
  • Small stuffed animal (may not be representative of sponsorship species)
  • Join the RMRP exclusive print newsletter and e-newsletter for 2 years
  • Your sponsorship will be listed in the RMRP Annual Report
  • Hard-copy species fact sheet
  • Hard-copy sponsorship certificate
  • RMRP sticker
  • Medium stuffed animal (may not be representative of sponsorship species)
  • Join the RMRP exclusive print newsletter and e-newsletter for 2 years
  • Your sponsorship will be listed in the RMRP Annual Report
  • Hard-copy species fact sheet
  • Hard-copy sponsorship certificate
  • RMRP Sticker
  • Large stuffed animal (may not be representative of sponsorship species)
  • Birds of Prey of the West Field Guide by Stan Tekiela
  • Join the RMRP exclusive print newsletter and e-newsletter for 2 years
  • Your sponsorship will be listed in the RMRP Annual Report