Already Late Summer???

It’s already late summer??? Where has the year gone?

2016 has flown by in a blur of parents needing our help, education and outreach programs keeping our Educational Ambassadors on the road, and research projects needing samples and data. Already this year, our Education and Outreach Department has provided 97 days of learning all over Northern Colorado. Our permanently disabled, non-releasable Education Ambassadors are working hard to inspire the love of raptors everywhere.

As of mid-July, 117 patients have come through our doors, comparable to last year. Our 24/7 on-call phone is a resource heavily relied upon by the public. Without a non-raptor wildlife center in the Fort Collins area, many concerned citizens call us about other injured creatures such as song birds, waterfowl, and even a moose! We do our best to help find these creatures the help they need. 2015’s massive influx of baby Great Horned Owls was thankfully absent this year. Last year, three nests of young owls had to be removed from areas that made them dangerous to the public due to aggressive parents. We were able to work with the property owners to find ways to exclude the parents from the problem areas – this year the parents chose much safer and out-of-the-way spots to raise their young. Instead of baby great horneds – this year we have many more trauma victims, plus 9 baby barn owls!

Despite our busy schedule, we wanted to take a moment to thank every one of our donors. Without your support, our efforts to save and conserve wildlife couldn’t happen. We continue saving and changing lives because you believe in our mission. Thank you to everyone who supports the RMRP!

This is but one of the articles in our just published Summer 2016 newsletter.  To read the whole thing click summer 2016.

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