Your Time Can Make A Difference…Join the Raptor Family!

Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Rocky Mountain Raptor Program. To ensure an ample supply of nearly 150 volunteers, we periodically offer orientation meetings. The next one is scheduled for Saturday, October 27, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at our main facility.

Volunteers are trained to handle birds safely and efficiently and to provide proper husbandry, physical therapy and medical care for the hundreds of birds we see yearly.

Most of our volunteers learn about and work directly with the raptors by cleaning cages, learning how to prepare food, compiling daily records and interacting with and feeding the raptors. They also assist in maintaining our facility.

Volunteers must be 12 years or older; those between 12 and 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at each shift. Volunteers are required to attend the weekly Tuesday informational meetings scheduled from 6 to 7:15 p.m, as well as attend one bird care shift per week lasting four hours.

Further information about the orientation session may be found on the RMRP web site: Lisa Winta, RMRP Volunteer Coordinator, may be reached at or 970-484-7756. The RMRP facility is located at 720 East Vine Drive, one mile north of Mulberry, about halfway between College and Lemay Avenues.

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